Kisaan Credit Cards: To meet your short term Agriculture Financial needs, get a Kisaan Credit Card through our Primary Agriculture Credit Societies or through our branches on your agriculture land situated in Jodhpur at lowest Interest Rates.Also available for Animal Husbandry, Fisheries etc.
Joint Liability Groups: Loans for Oral lesses and Tenant Farmers by forming Joint Liability Groups to meet your Financial requirements. Easy access to bank through our primary agriculture credit cooperative societies.
Self Help Groups: Women empowerment through Self Help Groups by making them financially independent. Easy access to bank through our primary agriculture credit cooperative societies
Sahkaar Kisaan Kalyan Yojna: Loan Facilities for farmers to meet their Investment Credit needs. Includes Land Levelling, Farm Mechanization, Minor Irrigation Plans, Dairy, Poultry Farming, Godowns, Warehouses, Cold Storage etc. Credit Facilities available against pledge of crops and ware house receipts to avoid distress selling by farmers. Members of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies can also avail Finance on easy terms and lower Interest Rates.
Gyan Saagar Yojna: Providing Education Loan facilities for professional and technical courses in India and Foreign Countries with flexible repayments and moratorium till course completion.
Awaas Rin: Providing finance for development, extension, repairs, modernization etc of Housing facilities including purchase of constructed house or construction of house with purchase of plot for regular income groups. Takeover of Housing Loans also provided. Loans available for construction of sheds, houses, farm houses on agriculture land also.
Vyapaar Saakh Seema: Trader Limit Facilities for small Traders, Firms and micro enterprises to provide liquidity for Business needs. Trader Limit and working capital available for societies also.
Achal Sampatti Bandhak Rin: Get Easy Funds for your personal and business needs against mortgage of your property at low Interest Rates.
Top Up Loans : A top up finance facility for existing house loan customers to meet their personal needs such as education, marriage, renovation etc on exisiting property.
Indira Gandhi Shahari Credit Card Yojna: A scheme for urban street vendors and youth in service sector providing finance for self employment. No Guarantor required.
Rajasthan Grameen Parivar Ajeevika Yojna: Caters the financial needs of Rural farmers for non farm activities such as handicraft, tye and dye, small industries, weaving, tailoring etc.
Kusum Yojna: A rising step in enery conservation, this scheme provides finance for developing alternate source of energy in form of solar energy. The scheme allows for purchase of solar panels for generation of electricity and solar pump.
Laghu evum Kuteer Udyog Yojna: The scheme aims to provide block capital for traders, firms, partnership firms, companies, small scale industries and artisans. Easy loans for members of primary agriculture cooperative societies for non farm activities to generate self employment
Vyagtigat Rin: Personal Loans to regular income groups and salaried class without any security for consumer/personal needs.
Vaahan Rin Yojna: Financial Support for purchase of personal/ commercial vehicles for personal/ commercial needs. All individuals, firms, trust, societies and eductaional institutes are eligible.
Loan Schemes for PACS and other Societies: Block capital available for PACS for developing them into multi service centres.